Sunday, June 7, 2009

EAMCET Mock Counselling 2009

Once you have your EAMCET rank in hand, the next step is to decide the college to be joined well before the counseling begins.

It is always better to put the college ahead of the branch since these days students from all branches are being allowed to appear for campus recruitment. Obviously a good college will bring in more companies than an average college to conduct campus recruitment which increase the chances of you being placed.

Now the confusion starts in the students mind which college and which branch he might get for his rank. It’s better to have 4-5 colleges in hand as you will be not sure how many seats will be filled before your turn comes on the counselling day.

So It is better to attend mock counseling sessions to have a rough idea about the college you would get. provides such sessions absolutely free for the students. It will help you to choose the best college in your field of interest for the rank you’ve secured by yourself before the actual counselling starts.

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